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TRUE Robotics

True Robotics K-3 Curriculum Survey

As a thank you for completing our survey, you will be entered to win a free True Robotics Treads Robot Kit! Be sure to include your name and email to be entered.

What grades do you currently teach? (Select all that apply)
How often would robotics fit into your classroom/school schedule?
Once a week
More than once a week
Less than once a week
How many total lessons would you like in a robotics curriculum?
How important is it for the curriculum to align with current educational standards?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all
What challenges do you anticipate in implementing a robotics curriculum? (Select all that apply)
What types of resources would be most helpful for implementing a robotics curriculum? (Select all that apply)
What types of activities do you prefer in a robotics curriculum? (Select all that apply)
What key learning outcomes would you like a K-3 robotics curriculum to focus on? (Select all that apply)
What features on the robot kit are important to you? (Select all that apply)
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